CornerLash wins unanimous AAR approval and instant success

A significant achievement for Cordstrap’s new securing solution

Cordstrap’s breakthrough innovation CornerLash is specifically designed to secure loads up to 30 tons in containers 
as easily and effectively as possible.


It has recently gained a significant achievement; unanimous approval from the AAR committee to secure hazardous materials shipped in drums in 20ft containers via US rail.


Chemical industry success with Momentive

The current and future potential of CornerLash has immediately been recognised by Momentive. One of the world’s leading producers of silicones and silicone derivatives - and a global leader in the development and manufacture of quartz products - the company has 13 worldwide locations that ship 900 containers a month. Cordstrap are already supplying sites in the US and Netherlands and following successful demonstrations in July at locations in Japan and China, further orders are expected shortly.

Global Account Manager Chemicals Scott Gill said,

“Momentive were looking for one consistent, globally compliant solution that could help reduce damage during shipping and CornerLash provides that – reducing claims and also improving productivity through ease and speed of use”.

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