Logistics Applications

The solutions that Cordstrap offer to logistics companies and their customers are designed to deliver cargo securing with maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness. With the assurance of full CTU code compliance and world-class training programs.


Cordstrap make containerization as easy, fast and
cost effective as possible for 3PL customers. Dynamic Cargo Securing is particularly effective for dynamic cargo with suspension. The composite lashing solutions
and dunnage bags that Cordstrap have developed
are specifically designed to prevent the movement
of cargo in containers.


Flat rack securing

Cargo such as heavy machinery can be exposed to extreme external influences, for example g-forces and adverse weather conditions, on flat racks. Cordstrap’s innovative Dynamic Cargo Securing protects against the impact of these forces and ensures that cargo arrives at its destination without damage.

Flat rack securing

Ship Securing

Dynamic Cargo Securing utilizes heavy-duty polyester lashings that facilitate securing, and will not damage cargo during the voyage.

Ship Securing

Bundling and Palletizing

Logistics companies often have a need to bundle together and secure irregular items for clients. Cordstrap are the leading supplier of strapping and bundling solutions for non-standardized cargo.

Bundling and Palletizing

Railcar securing

Cordstrap’s unique dynamic cargo securing solutions provide a high degree of shock absorbency, critical during shunting.

Cordstrap experts work with each logistics customer to design 
a tailor-made solution to their specific client requirements - and our training centers offer every Cordstrap customer the opportunity to participate in our Cargo Securing Training program.

Railcar securing

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The Passion to Protect

Cordstrap have specialists in over 50 global locations

55 years of Experience

Delivering cargo protection solutions

Global Cargo Securing

The Cordstrap view on worldwide shipping trends and stories