D-Connect Dunnage Bags

Dunnage Bag Product Leaflet

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Superior Cargo Dunnage Bags, manufactured by Cordstrap

Dunnage Bags are specifically designed to secure and stabilize cargo in containers, closed rail cars, trucks and ships. They prevent both lateral and longitudinal movement and are much more effective in stabilizing cargo compared with wood blocking and bracing.

The best bag for a particular need depends on a number of variables such as void size, height of the cargo and specific shipping requirements. Our container dunnage bags are available in a wide variety of sizes. Cordstrap will advise on the most effective Dunnage Air Bag to match a customer’s individual requirements. 

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Optimal security

Unique lamination ensures superior performance with regard to puncture and moisture resistance, as well as shock absorbency. Production quality  meets stringent AQL standards, making this the most reliable container airbag on the market.


Fast and easy

Inflating a D-Connect Dunnage Bag takes only 17.5 seconds. This is 20% faster than the current fast inflation solutions on the market.* A slightly rigid structure makes the bag easy to handle and position between the load.

*Based on inhouse testing of a range of 90 x 120 cm market leading bags.

Fully certified

All D-Connect Dunnage Bags are fully CTU compliant and AAR approved.


Expert support

Cordstrap D-Connect Inflatable Dunnage Bags are fully supported by training and implementation from local Cordstrap cargo securing experts, enabling standardization and consistency.

Various types of Dunnage Bags can be used to stabilize cargo depending on the type of load and transport.

Cordstrap's superior polywoven Dunnage Bags have a higher resistance to puncture and moisture and maintain their strength during an entire trip, with independent tests showing them to provide the most secure solution.

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Ease of cargo securing

Easy to access valve

Cordstrap’s cargo-securing experience resulted in an optimal valve positioning: on the edge of the load bag. This ensures easy access to the valve at all times: when the container door opens the valve is directly facing the user.

Fast inflation

The Cordstrap Direct Connect inflator needs only 14 seconds to fully inflate a 90x120cm Direct Connect poly woven Dunnage Bag with air, which saves time when securing a container.

D-Connect Inflator Portfolio

D-Connect Instruction Video

This video shows how the Cordstrap D-Connect Dunnage Bags can be applied to secure cargo in a container.

Five levels of Dunnage Bags

Dunnage Bags are available in five performance levels which have been established by the AAR (Association of American Railroads):

  • Level zero, one and two are mainly used in a container to fill empty spaces between pieces of cargo

  • Levels three, four and five are used to secure particularly heavy cargo like paper coils

Cordstrap can provide all levels of Dunnage Air Bags. Our cargo securing experts can advise you on the correct level of Dunnage Bag for your type of cargo and application.  

D-Connect Dunnage Bag Portfolio

AAR Verified

Cordstrap Dunnage Air Bags are AAR verified, meaning they can be used to safely transport cargo on American railroads.  

Friendly to the environment

Cordstrap Dunnage Bags are easy and safely removed at the end of their journey, and are made of 100% recyclable materials.

More information and purchasing

To purchase Cordstrap Dunnage Bag products please contact your account manager or contact us today for expert advice and quotation.

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Case Study

Transforming the Dunnage Bag: A case study in innovation

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